About Us

  • About Us

To Enhance the Ecosystem in Asset Management

Despite usage of Alternative Data becoming popular worldwide, utilization within Japanese financial corporations is very limited and far from being widely used. In order to populate the usage of Alternative Data, there are many issues of high difficulty to solve as individual corporates – such as consolidating regulations, standardizing data traffic, developing skills in the human resource area.

In order to enhance the ecosystem surrounding Alternative Data with high transparency, we will need to find concrete solutions to the issues stated in the previous.

With our current situation and as leader in the use of Alternative Data, we will contribute to the sustainable growth of the Japanese economy - by promoting the creation of a sound ecosystem in which all relevant parties can interact and learn, and in which the use of trusted data is promoted.  

Position Name Belonging Company/Organization
Representative Director Masayori Shoji Jazzy Business Consulting Co., Ltd.
Director Koji Ishizaki Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Director Munetoshi Matsumoto Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Director Yasunori Kasai LSEG
Director Tomoya Kitayama AlpacaTech Co., Ltd.
Director Tomomichi Tomiie Deep Data Research Co., Ltd.
Director Atsushi Santo JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc.
Director Seisaku Kameda SOMPO Institute Plus Inc.
Auditor Daisuke Ikadai KPMG AZSA LLC

Alternative Data is generated from sources other than the traditional data used by financial institutions and investors for asset management. This includes data which technological developments have made available.

The use of Alternative Data is expected to speed up investment decisions and differentiate investment strategies in investment management. The global market size for Alternative Data is 170 billion JPY and the number of data providers exceeds 400.

In Japan, however, the use of Alternative Data has just begun, and there are many problems such as lack of understanding and unclear regulations regarding Alternative Data, lack of human resources with both financial knowledge and data analysis skills, and unestablished methods for evaluating costs and benefits.

Therefore, we have established the "Japan Alternative Data Accelerator Association“ (hereinafter referred to as "the Association") in order to gather collective knowledge and tackle common issues in the utilization of Alternative Data.

As a leader in the use of Alternative Data, we will contribute to the sustainable growth of the Japanese economy by promoting the creation of a sound ecosystem in which all relevant parties can interact and learn, and in which the use of trusted data is promoted.  

■Mission Statement

  • ・Promoting a better understanding about Alternative Data
    To play a central role in promoting awareness of the use of Alternative Data by providing a forum for all relevant parties to interact and by sharing best practices based on research and demonstration experiments.
  • ・Common understanding about regulation
    To promote the development of a common understanding and social rules for the use of data by holding study groups on the handling and distribution of Alternative Data.
  • ・Human Resource Development about data science for Alternative Data
    To define and develop a common understanding of the skills of the people who will be responsible for Alternative Data ecosystem and establish a framework for human resource development as an industry.
Japan Alternative Data Accelerator Association
5th February, 2021
1-8-1 Nihonbashi Kayabacho, Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0025, Japan